2014年9月17日 星期三

Chinese Lesson: How to count from 1~30 in Chinese?

Now we know how to count from one to thirty; however, it will be easier for us to learn how to count from thirty-one ~ forty, forty-one to fifty, fifty-one to sixty..............

Is there a simple way to memorize numbers in Chinese?

One = yi sounds like eat- t= Let's eat one apple.
                                             Let's eat yi apple.

Two= erh sound like early-ly= Get up at two is too early. (erh and early-ly sounds the same.)

Three= Sun (san) is coming down at three today.

Four= I stepped on the shit at four.

Five= I like to sing "Woo" at five.

Six= I am in a low (lui) position.

Seven= I like to eat cheese (chi)at seven.

Eight= My pa-pa watches TV at eight.

Nine= Joe (chiu)is number nine in his class.

Ten= She (shih) has ten sisters.


One ~ Ten : ear sun shit woo low cheese pa-pa Joe 
                    12   3    4     5       6     7        8        9   
is she not he.

Hello, this is me, teacher Eve and my friend, Chiu-Jiu.

